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General information: UNIVERZA NA PRIMORSKEM UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA Titov trg 4 6000 Koper Slovenia Tel: +386 5 6117553 Fax: +386 5 6227530 e-mail: Key University Officers: Rector: Prof. Dragan Marušič, PhD Vice Rector for Education: Assist. Download lego marvel superheroes game free full version Sonja Rutar, PhD Vice Rector for Science and Research: Prof.

Štefko Miklavič, PhD Vice Rector for Internationalization: Assoc. Boris Kavur, PhD Vice Rector for Economics and Finance: Prof.

Contractor name: MIEJSKI ZAKLAD USLUG KOMUNALNYCH SPLKA Z O. Collection And Management Of Municipal Waste From Owners Of Real Estate Inhabited From The Area Of the Commune Of Kolo, In The Period From 1.2.2018 To. Objective—To evaluate the effects of 25% diet restriction on life span of dogs and on markers of aging. Design—Paired feeding study. Animals—48 Labrador Retrievers. Procedures—Dogs were paired, and 1 dog in each pair was fed 25% less food than its pair-mate from 8 weeks of age until death. Serum biochemical analyses were performed, body condition was scored, and body composition was.
