Hronometrazh Rabochego Vremeni Socialjnogo Rabotnika Obrazec
So vremeni razvala OPEK i uvelichenija dobychi nefti v Saudovskojj Aravii v 1985 godu Vashington kupalsja v iskusstvenno deshevojj nefti, poluchaemojj so Srednego Vostoka, v to vremja kak sobstvennaja neftjanaja promyshlennost' sokhla na kornju. On 34 ravnyalsya dlya rabochego semejstva iz treh chelovek 169 rub., iz kotoryh 29 rub. Shli na zhil'e, 42 rub. - na odezhdu i obuv', ostal'nye 98 rub. - na pitanie. ZHil'e v ramkah minimal'nyh potrebnostej rabochego sostoyalo iz odnoj zhiloj komnaty i kuhni, prichem oplata za kvartiru vklyuchala stoimost' osveshcheniya i otopleniya.
This is one very big letter translated in Russian, but intended for Bulgarians, yet it looks very strange being transliterated with Latin chars. It concerns some pension curiosities, advices to the pensioners, propositions for their bettering, a meaning about the social policy in Bulgaria, about the fight with the misery, again some ideas and propositions, meaning about the end of world capitalism, how to better our image before the world, and other topics. It is from an invented (yet literary hero) personage, ancestral intellectual, non-more-scientific assistant, with 2.5 tertiary educations, knowing 3.5 foreign languages, and for more than 25 year unemployed, now pensioner. It has been published by NOT a single Bulgarian authority and for that reason I publish it now around the world and in three languages. Drajver dlya proektora benq. I am supplying also one introductory material in English ('Hellow-Mellow'), which explains what was in this Letter and many other things. And in the Bulgarian and Russian variants stays the English language because you on this site have forgotten the type 'others' and because I will answer whatever questions there may be in English, so that this is the official language here.
- понедельник 01 апреля
- 26