Dr Web Antivirus Haqida

Kompyuter viruslari va antivirus dasturlari haqida ma'lumot. Win 95.CIH virusiga qarshi choralarni ko‘rish imkoniyati Dr.Web dasturida mav­jud. Sample was identified as malicious by a large number of Antivirus engines. Details: 14/59 Antivirus. INTERNET, Allows applications to open network sockets.

Bizga ma’limki tekshirishning, barcha xavfli dasturlar va davolashning yangi metodlarini o’z ichiga olgan bazadan foydalaniladigan signaturali metodi, aniq to’xtamga kelishimizga yordam beradi, “ Ushbu tekshirilayotgan obyekt zararli emasmikan? Agar zararli bo’lsa qaysi turkumga kirar ekan?” kabi savollarga xam javob olish mumkin. Evristik metod Signaturali metoddan farqli o’laroq, xavfli kodlar signaturasini tahlil qilmaydi, balki sodir bo’layotgan jarayonlarning ketma ketligni tahlil qiladi.

Bu esa, fayl xaqida kerakli mantiqiy xulosa qilishimizga zamin yaratadi.

Espacio insuficiente para procesar este comando windows installer windows 7. Desde hace unos dias cuando descargo algo me sale este mensaje (IO:Espacio de almacenamiento insuficiente para procesar este comando ) lo asocie a la ram pero no creo que sea posible tengo 3gb (ocupo sistema 32 bit) aumente la memoria virtual y me sigue apareciendo no tengo una red montada tampoco (por lo que vi en algunos casos era por eso) y ademas la pantalla baja de resolucion de 1440 x 900 hasta 640 x 480 (Esto sucede a veces) no se si sera un problema del windos 7, o del procesador (Tengo la duda en este) gracias por leerlo.

Dr.Web CureIt is an anti-virus scanner that is based on the Dr.Web Scanning Engine. It is not a full Anti-virus suite, but rather a scanning utility*. This being that case, it does have some limitations in it's performance capabilities in comparison with Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows, namely; no resident monitor, no command line scanner, and no updating utility.

That being said, Dr.Web CureIt is more than capable of effectively scanning your PC and then undertake the necessary actions for any detected threats. Dr.Web CureIt detects and neutralizes the following key malicious threats: • Worms.

Dr.Web CureIt is a great solution when you cannot install an Anti-virus suite due to virus activity. It does not require installation and will run on both 32 or 64-bit platforms, from Microsoft Windows XP and to Microsoft Windows 8.1. *Dr.Web CureIt is free of charge for personal computer use. For any commercial use of Dr.Web CureIt, however, a license is required.
